Tag: PA Grand Canyon

A Murphy’s Law Labor Day Weekend

I had a really awesome PA-centric Labor Day weekend roadtrip planned for this past holiday, gearing up to  explore western/central PA, and four PA state parks I’ve had on my bucketlist for a while now. What happened? I ended up essentially spending over 12 hours in the car, to spend less than 24 hours in

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Weekly Check-In: A Super-Pennsylvanian Road Trip

I feel like me typing various iterations of “there’s so many places in Pennsylvania I’ve written about, yet have not visited yet,” is getting old. And it is. So I’m not. Instead, I’m going to share that I’m in the midst of making some very concrete plans to visit four locales I’ve mentioned as wanting

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My PA Weekend Fun 2017 Checklist

I used to begin every year with a list of travel/weekend fun related New Year’s Resolutions, and then end the subsequent year going over each one to see if it was a success or a failure. This was stupid for a couple of reasons.  I almost always had too lofty of expectations, and realistically was setting

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2015 New Year’s Resolutions Part 1

So because every single year I do a recap of my New Year’s Resolutions and every year it’s an exercise in disappointment, I’m going to scale it down a bit this year and keep it completely reasonable, keeping in mind my actual budget (not what I wish my budget would be), the amount of time

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2014 Recap & New Year’s Resolutions Checklist

Every new year I make a list of things I’d like to accomplish for the new years (obviously these are all travel/leisure/blogging based-even though I am striving to eat more fruits and vegetables and vowing to curtail buying rounds of drinks for semi-acquaintances you won’t be reading about them here). Every year before posting these

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10 Places To VIsit in Pennsylvania that Aren’t Pittsburgh and Philadelphia

The other day, while perusing a whole lot of travel blogs and websites to come up with post ideas, I noticed (or I should say, re-noticed) that when Pennsylvania in concerned, the large majority of writers break up the state into three parts: Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and “The Amish.”  Now, I’m not hear to disagree with

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100 Things to do in Pennsyvlania (Part II)

Last year around this time I decided to “celebrate” my 100th blog post by coming up with a list of “100 Things to do in Pennsylvania.” It ended up being much easier than I anticipated, which is good considering that one of my main purposes of my site is to celebrate and explore all the things do within our own

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New Year’s Resolutions 2014 Part 1

So, 2014 has officially been upon us for coming up two weeks now, which means that its time for my list of travel/weekend fun resolutions for this upcoming year. Every year I wish I could publish this on New Year’s Day but it always takes me until almost mid-January to get it out.  I wish I

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8 Ideas for “Winter-Fun” Getaways

Like it or not winter is coming, so it’s time to get prepared. My friends and I have started to plan our annual pilgrimage to Lake Placid, for our annual “winter fun” trip. This will be our third year going and honestly I’m in love with the town and area. It’s got everything I look

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Weekend Trip Idea: PA GRAND CANYON

I’ve never been to the Pennsylvania grand canyon and to be honest, I often forget it exists until someone mentions it to me.  Luckily for all of you, one of my students was raving about camping and hiking up there for the weekend. The PA Grand Canyon, also known as the Pine Creek Gorge, for

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