Month: July 2012


“What do you like better, Christmas or Wedding Season?”  “The answer would be, um, Picnic Season?” Picnic season in NEPA is a big deal.  It’s a dying deal, but still a big deal nonetheless, and something that, to me, defines summertime and growing up. Every summer, for as long as I can remember, weekends were dominated

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Weekend Trip Idea: Millinocket Maine

I’ve been unsuccessfully trying to visit Maine now for the better part of two years.  My three main draws being: the scenery, adventure sports, and most importantly the chance the devour several fresh Maine lobster rolls. One problem with Maine is that it is a pretty sizable drive from Pennsylvania, yet close enough that flying

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Traveling With a Picky Eater

I’m going for a three day kayaking trip starting Thursday.  Real kayaking.  We’ll actually be paddling, and camping for three nights.  I’m used to camping.  I go camping several times a year and just went this past weekend.  The difference is that everytime I go camping, I’m able to pack my entire car.  For this weekend everything

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4th of July Week in Pictures…Very Limited Pictures

As noted in my previous post, I was camping in upstate New York over the 4th of July Weekend (I’m actually not sure whether last weekend or the weekend prior was considered the “4th weekend”, but just go with it). I went in with the intention of taking alot of photographs, especially on the drive between Narrowsburg,

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What to Take Camping: My Camping List

To go with my previous post, I’ve come up with a list of items to purchase or look into purchasing for a camping excursion.  This list isnt’ geared towards hardcore campers, but rather those who are going on the sort of trip I’m embarking on this weekend. This list is divided up as follows: The first

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