Category: Winter Fun

Vermont in Pictures (With Heavy Cameoing on Upstate NY’s behalf)

  I spent last weekend up in Vermont.  One of my good college friends has a family lake house up there, and has been trying to get my college crew to go up and stay there, well, since college, which in my case, means for the past ten years.  We finally relented and went for

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Airboarding at Montage

Sometimes I like being sore. Not like, so-painful-you-can’t-function-properly sore, but that sort of good sore you sometimes wake up with the day after physically exerting yourself more than usual. I like the good sore that comes with big day hikes and lengthy cross-country skies, or that I’m-sore-in-places-I-didn’t-know-I-could-be-sore-in feeling that comes after trying something new like

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A Visit to the Mohonk Mountain House

This is going to end up being one of those posts where I write a little, and mainly express my thoughts through photographs, because my words will never be able to properly capture how gorgeous these pictures are. I’ll try, sure. I’ll fail thought. Just throwing that out there.   The Mohonk Mountain House, which

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Lake Placid in Photos

I’ve written about Lake Placid countless of times before. It’s definitely my favorite winter getaways, and probably my favorite repeat trip, just because there’s always something new to do, the town itself is so much fun to go out in, and the Adirondacks are so stupidly picturesque. I considered not even writing any posts about

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Curling Lessons

There’s few things I actually consider myself good at: writing, planning things, making playlists, chugging beer, making omelets, and reading books in record amounts of time, are some of the items on this short list. I also happen to be a very skilled foosball player (that’s literally never helped me with anything), and am historically

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A Messy Snowshoe Up Mount Tammany with a Clean Finish at Barley Creek Brewing Company

Every once in a while I really overestimate how good of shape I’m in. Now to give myself credit, I probably am in the best shape I’ve been in for a long time-that being said, I’ve learned that I am not well equipped to snowshoe up a mountain in over 3 feet of snow. I

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High Point XC Ski Center

I associate New Jersey with many things. Some are good: Sea Isle City, The Jersey Shore (I mean this with all sincerity: seasons 1 & 2 were priceless trash pleasure-it sucked once they realized they were famous), and my boy Bruce. Some aren’t as good: the smell of garbage, people whose life is The Jersey Shore, and girls who

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Winter Fun in the Laurel Highlands

Ever since visiting Ohiopyle State Park on a whim this summer, I’ve been a fan of the Laurel Highlands and want to start visiting more often. I enjoy this part of PA that’s still fairly undeveloped, picturesque, yet still highly accessible and very organized for the visiting tourist (the trails are all well kept, everything

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Where to Participate in Olympic Activites at Home

The Olympics start today. Is anyone else out there a huge Olympic nut? I’m typically not much of a sports nut, yet I find myself absolutely glued to the television during Olympic coverage. I don’t know if it’s the fact that the sports being shown are not your normal televised-sporting event faire or if it’s the fact that we

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