Category: Fun Stuff

2014 Recap & New Year’s Resolutions Checklist

Every new year I make a list of things I’d like to accomplish for the new years (obviously these are all travel/leisure/blogging based-even though I am striving to eat more fruits and vegetables and vowing to curtail buying rounds of drinks for semi-acquaintances you won’t be reading about them here). Every year before posting these

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Celebrate Pennsyvlania Wine Month

Part of this whole being unemployed thing (which  I have to consistently remind myself is by choice) that I quite like is that I could start my day out with a workout, effectively getting it out-of-the-way and making me feel wide awake from the get-go. This was always something I wanted to do in theory

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PA Cemetery Tours

Maybe it was my Catholic upbringing that always made me associate cemeteries as hallowed ground, rather then something more sinister, but they never creeped me out, as they seem to do with so many people. There were two particularly old cemeteries near where I grew up, that as teenagers, we would sneak into to try

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Just a Few of the Reasons I’m Excited to be Back in NEPA

My last two posts were basically an extended lament about leaving Lancaster and returning to the NEPA motherland. I hope you didn’t get the wrong idea. While I am genuinely sad about leaving Lancaster, I’m not necessarily upset to be returning home. Sure, Lancaster has a lot of things Northeastern PA doesn’t. For one thing,

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Things I Wished I Did While I Lived in Central PA (aka reasons to visit)

As highlighted in my last post, I’m somewhat unceremoniously moving from Lancaster, PA, where I’ve lived and worked for the past five years, back to the little known town of Browndale, PA (which is right next to Forest City, which is just north of Carbondale, which is close to Scranton, if you need a point

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Hiking Ohiopyle State Park

I love going somewhere and being genuinely impressed, which was my experience this weekend when my brother, sister and I took a sibling hiking trip to Ohiopyle State Park, in southwestern PA. Ohiopyle is both the name of a town and a 19,000 acre Pennsylvania State Park known for its waterfalls, biking trails and what’s

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A Day On the Susquehanna Ale Trail With Plenty of Detours

Do you want to know what I love most about beer tasting? It’s a classy excuse to start drinking around noon. Budlight-Lime outside a sports bar at 11 Am? Borderline trash (not saying I haven’t been there); people assume that maybe you have a problem. A nice amber ale or chocolate  infused porter? You’re simply a lover

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Deep Thoughts on an Evolving NEPA

I grew up in semi-rural North Eastern Pennsylvania (NEPA), on a tiny blip on the map called Browndale. I usually have to tell people I’m from Forest City, a slightly larger speck on the map known for being the starting spot of the Steamtown Marathon, having what the Forest City News thinks is the largest memorial to

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Where to Participate in Olympic Activites at Home

The Olympics start today. Is anyone else out there a huge Olympic nut? I’m typically not much of a sports nut, yet I find myself absolutely glued to the television during Olympic coverage. I don’t know if it’s the fact that the sports being shown are not your normal televised-sporting event faire or if it’s the fact that we

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Five Cheap & Easy Ways to Stay in Shape This Fall

I’ve officially gotten to the point where I can’t eat and drink whatever I want without consequences. I was blessed with a pretty legit metabolism when I was younger, I pushed its limits in college, that’s for sure, but sometime around 25 it up and quit on me. I’ve since had to watch (moderately) what I

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