Category: Scranton

Airboarding at Montage

Sometimes I like being sore. Not like, so-painful-you-can’t-function-properly sore, but that sort of good sore you sometimes wake up with the day after physically exerting yourself more than usual. I like the good sore that comes with big day hikes and lengthy cross-country skies, or that I’m-sore-in-places-I-didn’t-know-I-could-be-sore-in feeling that comes after trying something new like

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On Not Having to Repeat the Past

Last week I wrote about a negative story about revisiting the past. It was about looking back on something that I wasn’t fond of, but ultimately though might’ve made me a better person. Today I’m also going to write about revisiting the past again, but about revisiting a happy time. I’m going to be writing

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NEPA Party Bike

Three years ago my brother introduced me to Jerrod Nieman’s “One More Drinking Song” and I quickly became obsessed. A few weeks later I saw the music video and became newly obsessed with the bike-like contraption he’s singing on around downtown Nashville. I found that it’s a vehicle known as a pedicycle (also known/marketed as pedal

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Fall Weekend Trip Idea: ATV’s and Craft Brews in NEPA

I was doing a little bit of a mini northern tier tour last weekend with my dad. He got a mid-life crisis BMW convertible so we took it up north to the Orson Inn and Lakewood Lodge where we got some wings. We were on the same barhopping schedule as a group of guys ATVing

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Just a Few of the Reasons I’m Excited to be Back in NEPA

My last two posts were basically an extended lament about leaving Lancaster and returning to the NEPA motherland. I hope you didn’t get the wrong idea. While I am genuinely sad about leaving Lancaster, I’m not necessarily upset to be returning home. Sure, Lancaster has a lot of things Northeastern PA doesn’t. For one thing,

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Top 5 Scranton Bars

Since Parade Day weekend is only a week away (March is flying by, no?) I’m going to start my “bars of Pennsylvania” posts (or whatever you’d like to call it, with a roundup of my favorite bars in the Electric City.  Feel free to use this as a guide as to where you might want to visit

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Deep Thoughts on an Evolving NEPA

I grew up in semi-rural North Eastern Pennsylvania (NEPA), on a tiny blip on the map called Browndale. I usually have to tell people I’m from Forest City, a slightly larger speck on the map known for being the starting spot of the Steamtown Marathon, having what the Forest City News thinks is the largest memorial to

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Weekend Trip Idea: Scranton Parade Day 2014 (and all the secondary Pennsylvania St. Pat’s Parades)

I know I’ve covered the Scranton St. Patrick’s Day Parade but it’s my absolute favorite day of the year and I will forever strive to be it’s greatest champion.  At this point you have approximately 3.5  weeks to prepare yourself for the greatest Irish party on the east coast. I don’t care that New York and Boston and

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Weekend Trip Idea: Fake Beaching It

So was I the only who thoroughly enjoyed the “Polar Vortex”/Winter Storm Hercules hybrid that was upon us most of last week (sidenote: when did they start naming winter storms? Has that been a thing for a while? I’m not completely down with it)? I’m actually bummed about the fact that I just ran to

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10 Cheap & Easy Things to Do in Scranton

I’ve decided to expand my  “10 Easy and Cheap Things to Do in Philadelphia” post to some other places in PA.  If you read that, the philosophy behind it was giving you some quick, easy, and cheap ideas for exploring a city a little bit more,  even if your main intent is social (aka you’re

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