Category: Seasonal Activities

Vermont in Pictures (With Heavy Cameoing on Upstate NY’s behalf)

  I spent last weekend up in Vermont.  One of my good college friends has a family lake house up there, and has been trying to get my college crew to go up and stay there, well, since college, which in my case, means for the past ten years.  We finally relented and went for

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Curling Lessons

There’s few things I actually consider myself good at: writing, planning things, making playlists, chugging beer, making omelets, and reading books in record amounts of time, are some of the items on this short list. I also happen to be a very skilled foosball player (that’s literally never helped me with anything), and am historically

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A Messy Snowshoe Up Mount Tammany with a Clean Finish at Barley Creek Brewing Company

Every once in a while I really overestimate how good of shape I’m in. Now to give myself credit, I probably am in the best shape I’ve been in for a long time-that being said, I’ve learned that I am not well equipped to snowshoe up a mountain in over 3 feet of snow. I

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PA Cemetery Tours

Maybe it was my Catholic upbringing that always made me associate cemeteries as hallowed ground, rather then something more sinister, but they never creeped me out, as they seem to do with so many people. There were two particularly old cemeteries near where I grew up, that as teenagers, we would sneak into to try

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5 Fall Activites to do in NEPA

  I realize I’ve been sort of heavy on the NEPA-centric posts lately, but I’m here now, and for the time being haven’t been traveling as much as I’d like. I do have a fun new project in the works that I’m excited to announce once it’s ready (although to be fair, this is a

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Clothing Optional: My First (Adult) Visit to a Nude Beach

  True story: do you know that up until this summer, when I started to properly learn the power of social media, the post responsible for driving readers to my blog was a throwaway post from 2012 about nude beaches. I don’t remember exactly why I wrote the post. I think it’s because I had

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Hiking Ohiopyle State Park

I love going somewhere and being genuinely impressed, which was my experience this weekend when my brother, sister and I took a sibling hiking trip to Ohiopyle State Park, in southwestern PA. Ohiopyle is both the name of a town and a 19,000 acre Pennsylvania State Park known for its waterfalls, biking trails and what’s

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5 Fun Ways to Stay in Shape This Spring/Summer

I’ve done a version of this post for both fall and winter and initially wanted to do one for spring and one for summer, but I mean, it’s mid-May and by this point there’s not much difference between the spring and the summer weather. The crux of these posts was simply that I really like to

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Deep Thoughts on an Evolving NEPA

I grew up in semi-rural North Eastern Pennsylvania (NEPA), on a tiny blip on the map called Browndale. I usually have to tell people I’m from Forest City, a slightly larger speck on the map known for being the starting spot of the Steamtown Marathon, having what the Forest City News thinks is the largest memorial to

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Where to Participate in Olympic Activites at Home

The Olympics start today. Is anyone else out there a huge Olympic nut? I’m typically not much of a sports nut, yet I find myself absolutely glued to the television during Olympic coverage. I don’t know if it’s the fact that the sports being shown are not your normal televised-sporting event faire or if it’s the fact that we

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