Tag: Secret Service

Weekend Trip Idea: Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Festivities

It’s officially parade season, where the majority of blog posts will be dedicated to St. Patrick’s day shenanigans and I will be posted less frequently because I will be attending such shenanigans every weekend and thus have less free time than usual. One Pennsylvania “Irish” tradition I frequently embrace is Philadelphia’s Erin Express, a popular barcrawl originally started

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Running of the Santas Weekend

This past weekend, I participated in #2 on my list of “5 Very Pennsylvanian Holiday Ideas”, Running With the Santas, a Santa Clause-themed barcrawl and party held annually in Philadelphia. Running of the Santas began in Manayunk in 1998 and is an annual event where participants dress up like Santa and at a given time, run from a

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Weekend Trip Idea: Irish Weekend

If you haven’t been able to tell I’m pretty obsessed with St. Patrick’s Day, Parade Day and all things Irish, so it’s crazy to me that I haven’t been to Irish Weekend in Wildwood yet. My one buddy has been trying to drag me there for years but it just so happens that stuff always comes

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Why Everyone Sunday Funday in Sea Isle City at Least Once

During my college years Sunday Funday was a regular part of my vocabulary and something that occurred on the regular.  Nowadays (especially during the school year), it’s become something of a novelty that seems to primarily happen on three day weekends, which in essence, defeats the purpose of a “Sunday Funday.” A proper Sunday Funday, for those

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Irish Weekend or FarmAid?

The weekend of September 21-22 brings a big choice for those of you entrenched with me in southeastern PA: FarmAid or Irish Weekend? I received texts/Facebook inquiries about both these events while I was overseas and was smart enough to wait until returning home to do some research for responding to them (I wasn’t that smart

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Down the Shore Everything’s Alright: A Day in Sea Isle City

In Defense of the Jersey Shore I’m still in severe recovery mode from my annual trip to Sea Isle City, New Jersey as I type this.  I have a slight Irish tan (read: semi severe burn) on my shoulders, no voice, a ringing in ears that will not stop, severe dehydration (from both sun and

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Manayunk Riverfest

I’m a big fan of Manayunk, and due to it’s (sort of) close proximity and a few good friends entrenched in it’s hills, I frequently end up there on weekends I promise myself I’m going to stay in Lancaster and save money (2/3rds of my weekends that start with this noble goal don’t end well).

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Secret Service in Philly

For the last three years, my friends in Manayunk have hosted a University of Scranton Christmas party the Friday before Christmas break and every year for the last three years that same group takes the ride into Philly on Saturday to see the band Secret Service perform at Finnegan’s Wake. If you’re from the Philly

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