Month: March 2017

A Visit to the Mohonk Mountain House

This is going to end up being one of those posts where I write a little, and mainly express my thoughts through photographs, because my words will never be able to properly capture how gorgeous these pictures are. I’ll try, sure. I’ll fail thought. Just throwing that out there.   The Mohonk Mountain House, which

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Weekly Check-In: The Wawa/Sheetz Debate

Thrillist just published a great article the other day entitled “Wawa vs. Sheetz: Behind the Most Heated Food Rivalry in the Country,”  that I knew I was going to automatically love, and subsequently write about, because this is about as Pennsylvanian an issue as they come, and this is a subject I’ve discussed often. While I

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Throwback Lodging in the Catskills

I rarely devote an entire post to the place I’m staying, simply because for the most part when I travel I don’t hang out much in my hotel room, but rather treat it as somewhere to rest my head at night. It’s also because I happen to mostly stay at Holiday Inn Expresses or Marriott’s,

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Lake Placid in Photos

I’ve written about Lake Placid countless of times before. It’s definitely my favorite winter getaways, and probably my favorite repeat trip, just because there’s always something new to do, the town itself is so much fun to go out in, and the Adirondacks are so stupidly picturesque. I considered not even writing any posts about

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