Tag: New York

A Fall Drive

I approach travel and writing in the same manner. I’m planned. I’m measured. I map, and I plot things out. 9 out of 10 times, this comes in handy when I’m doing trips of both the day, and the longer variety. There are times though, that I feel it becomes, well, maybe stifling is a

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Life Musings in the Catskills

I know it’s cliché, and in fact it’s the very type of cliché I’m usually very disdainful of, but hiking really is conducive for all sorts of deep thinking.  There’s something about being alone in nature, with no Ipod, or smartphone (or rather, no service, as I always keep my phone in my pocket), or

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Lake Placid in Photos

I’ve written about Lake Placid countless of times before. It’s definitely my favorite winter getaways, and probably my favorite repeat trip, just because there’s always something new to do, the town itself is so much fun to go out in, and the Adirondacks are so stupidly picturesque. I considered not even writing any posts about

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How to Complete a Tri-State (or larger) Bar Crawl

I generally don’t do much for Valentine’s Day, so don’t have a ton of Valentine’s Day memories, good or bad, like you would with Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Halloween.  To the chagrin of my mother, I’m perennially single, and so typically don’t really have the need to really even celebrate. I also have a healthy dose

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A Sullivan County NY Beverage Tour

My friend Jacki and I have been talking about going up to Cooperstown for the longest time, and visiting Brewery Ommegang and the rest of the Cooperstown Beverage Trail. Jacki was one of my go-to brewery partners when I lived down in Lancaster, but since I’ve moved back to our motherland, and she doesn’t come

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Why Upstate is the Best State: Why I Love Upstate NY

New York state encompasses  54,555 square miles. New York City encompasses 305 of those, yet when one talks about New York, or says they are from New York, or visited New York, unless one specifies “upstate,” it’s presumed you’re talking about one of the five boroughs. In part, that makes sense. Whether or not you

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A Day on the Finger Lakes Beer Trail

The Finger Lakes is primarily known around these parts as a destination for wine connoisseurs, bachelorette parties, and someplace your parents and their friends take a limo to for the afternoon and come back with an embarrassing buzz. I’d always heard good things, but never had a strong pull to go because, well, wine’s just really

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Adirondacks in the Summer & My Second High Peak

I’ve been doing great this summer with actually doing the things I say I’m going to do. Case in point: I managed to finally make it up to Lake Placid during the summer, which I’ve been threatening since going up there for the first time four years ago. I had a weekend off this past August,

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Boozing in Binghamton

I used to describe Binghamton, New York, as the only place more depressing then Scranton. I’m not sure that’s true anymore, first off because it’s been proven that Scranton IS the happiest place on Earth, and secondly because Binghamton is not so shabby itself. Binghamton’s only about a forty minute drive from where I live

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Winter Fun Trip 2015: Lake Placid and Starting to Check Off These High Peaks

  Well, I finally made it back to Lake Placid for Winter Fun Trip 2015-if you want to read about the 2012 or 2013 iterations, click here or here-I took a bit of a hiatus in 2014. Lake Placid is my favorite place for a winter trip for a couple of reasons: I like how

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