Month: January 2017

Exploring Fishtown

I’m great at planning things. Sometimes I struggle with follow through. Sometimes that’s not a bad thing though. I spent this past weekend in Philadelphia.  I was planning on going to a Frank Turner show at The Fillmore on Friday night, then meet my college roommate, who lives out in Conshohocken Saturday to attend the

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The Best Things I Ate in 2016

I’ve noted a few times this year how my travel style/weekend activities has changed a bit as I get older.  I used to not care about where I stayed, and while I still very often just use a room as a place to crash, I do enjoy more and more finding interesting places to stay.

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My PA Weekend Fun 2017 Checklist

I used to begin every year with a list of travel/weekend fun related New Year’s Resolutions, and then end the subsequent year going over each one to see if it was a success or a failure. This was stupid for a couple of reasons.  I almost always had too lofty of expectations, and realistically was setting

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