Category: Lame excuses

My PA Weekend Fun 2017 Checklist

I used to begin every year with a list of travel/weekend fun related New Year’s Resolutions, and then end the subsequent year going over each one to see if it was a success or a failure. This was stupid for a couple of reasons.  I almost always had too lofty of expectations, and realistically was setting

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2014 Recap & New Year’s Resolutions Checklist

Every new year I make a list of things I’d like to accomplish for the new years (obviously these are all travel/leisure/blogging based-even though I am striving to eat more fruits and vegetables and vowing to curtail buying rounds of drinks for semi-acquaintances you won’t be reading about them here). Every year before posting these

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March Roundup

The ending of March is always bittersweet. On one hand it’s my favorite month: St. Patrick’s Day, parade season, the Easter break (this year at least), and my birthday. On the other hand, I ate too much, drank too much, slept too little (I know, first-world, self induced problems–you don’t feel sorry for me) and am now

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