Month: June 2013

Weekend Trip Idea: Tangier Island VA

Would you believe me if I told you there’s an island located right here in the United States, that’s so cut-off, so remote that inhabitants speaks an English dialect extinct in every other part of the road since the 1700’s?  Would you find this story even less believable if I told you that this island was not

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Weekend Trip Idea: PA GRAND CANYON

I’ve never been to the Pennsylvania grand canyon and to be honest, I often forget it exists until someone mentions it to me.  Luckily for all of you, one of my students was raving about camping and hiking up there for the weekend. The PA Grand Canyon, also known as the Pine Creek Gorge, for

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Tough Mudder

I completed a Tough Mudder yesterday (so I initially wrote this two weekends ago.  It needed a bit of editing).  I’m writing this from my bed.  My limbs are jelly, I feel like I’ve done a day’s worth of situps I have a strange burning sensation in my forearms I’ve  never experienced before.  However, I feel

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Top Ten USA Wishlist

Now that I’ve give you my top ten international wish list, here’s my domestic version: 10 places in the good old US of A I’d like to see most. When I was in Ireland a lot of the people pondered why so few Americans ventured abroad.  I maintained that we have more than enough places to

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Weekend Trip Idea: Asheville, North Carolina

Asheville, North Carolina is one of those “small towns,” like Jim Thorpe and Lititz, that consistently pop up on all sorts magazine and online lists.  I put small towns in quotes as, with a population of close to 85,ooo ,Asheville is actually a small city.  Asheville’s been named one of the top 10 most beautiful places in

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Kayaking the Delaware

With the impending official arrival of summer, I wanted to write a post about all the great kayaking and camping trips Pennsylvania has to offer.  I went to reference the post I “wrote” about my trip kayaking down the Delaware last year and found that the post, while started, had never came to fruition.  Looking back, it makes sense, as

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