Category: Monumental Posts

New Year’s Resolutions 2014 Part 2

Picking up where we left here: 11) Five DIFFERENT Water Cooler Activities- “Water Cooler News” is defined as the sort of news or gossip that gets people talking socially at work because it’s interesting. Thusly, I’ve termed the term “water cooler activities” as the types of activities I do and post about that get people talking

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100 Things to do in Pennsylvania

100 Things to do In Pennsylvania: This is a big one.  I mentioned in my 100th post that I was thinking of using it as a “100 things to do in PA” blog but then thought better of it A) because it just seemed like a sad things to do B) because I wanted to get

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My 100th Post

I’ve been thinking over the past few weeks what I should devote my 100th post to.  I kicked around “100 things to do in Pennsylvania,” but ultimately that felt a little cliché, and long (although I did start working on this for my 101st or 102nd or 103rd post).  I thought about a retrospective of everything

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