Month: November 2011

Appalachian Brewing Company

Those of you who know me know that I’m far from a connoisseur of beer. Coorslight is my default bar beer, I venture to Bud Light Lime during summer, and both actively enjoy and purchase Keystone Light even though my budget has expanded to accompany more grown-up tastes. The thing is, I’m not going to

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East State Penitentiary

Have you ever stood around at a tourist attraction and thought to yourself, “well, thank God for these crowds, they’re really enriching this experience”? I’m guessing not, as ideally having a place to yourself would be the way we’d see everything. Philadelphia’s East State Penitentiary may be the exception to this. Looking through a set

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“You Shouldn’t Be Able to Afford Your Lifestyle.”

I’m a public school teacher, not exactly a field one goes into to become rich quick (or at all). Necessity dictates that I make and stick to a budget just to ensure I make due on my current bill and financial obligations: rent, utilities, car payment, car insurance, gym membership, school loans, investments, not to

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