Category: I Think I’m Deep

On Not Having to Repeat the Past

Last week I wrote about a negative story about revisiting the past. It was about looking back on something that I wasn’t fond of, but ultimately though might’ve made me a better person. Today I’m also going to write about revisiting the past again, but about revisiting a happy time. I’m going to be writing

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I Feel Home

I try to remain as apolitical as possible here on my blog, but it was hard to remain apolitical during the election, and becoming increasingly hard now, just in life, where it seems every choice or conversation can trigger some sort of debate, or side drawn. I in no way, shape, or form supported, or

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Last week we had a discussion of underrated places to visit, things to do, shows to binge, and even one very underrated Christmas album (that I hope you’ve all sampled). We’re going to turn the tables today and discuss places, things, shows, and assorted other I feel are overrated. Now, mind you, overrated does not

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In Defense of Candy Corn

I never realized how many foods I loved were deeply despised. Some, I should have seen coming, like my habit of eating grape jelly atop of scrambled eggs, which rightfully horrified my college friends when I pulled that stunt in the cafeteria at breakfast. I meanwhile, was ready to recoil in horror when they put

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Deep Thoughts on an Evolving NEPA

I grew up in semi-rural North Eastern Pennsylvania (NEPA), on a tiny blip on the map called Browndale. I usually have to tell people I’m from Forest City, a slightly larger speck on the map known for being the starting spot of the Steamtown Marathon, having what the Forest City News thinks is the largest memorial to

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My Problem With Travel Writers

Two years ago I signed up for an online travel writing course on a whim.  All and all, that was a good thing, because it led to the creation of this, which I’ve had so much fun producing and has resulted in several cool opportunities. I’d always been a strong writer, and I knew that

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Seeing Vs. Doing

One of the problems I always have when planning some of the bigger trips is the ever present dilemma of doing versus seeing. Allow me to elaborate while also showing off how international I am. My past two “big” trips were Ireland and Iceland. I was in Ireland for a little bit over two weeks and for that

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My Problem With Pictures

You’re in for a little self-reflection today. I’ve recently realized that for someone who writes a blog, sometimes I’m awful at taking pictures. I’m not sure whether I’m mad about this or not. This came to light in the wake of my Iceland trip.   I was showing the pictures to some relatives when someone said, “did you see anybody

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The Dying NEPA Picnic Scene

Growing up in NEPA,  summertime always meant picnic season. If you want to know the ins and outs of what exactly it is and what picnics are still occurring check out my post from last summer, but in the meantime, here’s the abridged version: NEPA has a long history of volunteer fire departments and various (mostly) Catholic

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