Category: Pictures

I Feel Home

I try to remain as apolitical as possible here on my blog, but it was hard to remain apolitical during the election, and becoming increasingly hard now, just in life, where it seems every choice or conversation can trigger some sort of debate, or side drawn. I in no way, shape, or form supported, or

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My Problem With Pictures

You’re in for a little self-reflection today. I’ve recently realized that for someone who writes a blog, sometimes I’m awful at taking pictures. I’m not sure whether I’m mad about this or not. This came to light in the wake of my Iceland trip.   I was showing the pictures to some relatives when someone said, “did you see anybody

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Kayaking & Piano Bars in Pittsburgh

I’m actually embarrassed for how long it took me to write this post.  My excuse is that it’s the start of the school year and that always brings about a lot of extra work. I forget every year how time consuming grading papers is.  I’m also going to shamelessly self promote myself here. I’ve gotten the

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Hiking Elk Mountain

Memorial Day weekend (or #MDW if I want to be trendy) has long been the unofficial start of summer (even though my personal unofficial start of summer is whenever school lets out) and I’m happy to say that I’ve already been able to start crossing off items from my 2013 Summer to-do List. My mother and I

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4th of July Week in Pictures…Very Limited Pictures

As noted in my previous post, I was camping in upstate New York over the 4th of July Weekend (I’m actually not sure whether last weekend or the weekend prior was considered the “4th weekend”, but just go with it). I went in with the intention of taking alot of photographs, especially on the drive between Narrowsburg,

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PA’s Ghost Town: Hiking in Centralia

Ghost Town’s in PA? “Jungleland” was playing on the radio as I pulled up the hill towards Centralia.  It seemed an appropriate song.  Supposedly Pennyslvania’s forests, though far from jungle-like, had taken over the small former mining community of Centralia.  The lyrics, “Outside the streets on fire in a real death waltz Between flesh and what’s fantasy”

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A Little Instagram Action at Marsh Creek.

I spent this 90 degree Memorial Day at Marsh Creek Paddle Boarding; it’s becoming my new addiction. We paddled for three hours, at least one full one being spent lounging in the middle of the lake. My friend’s girlfriend informed us that “paddle boarding yoga” is now a thing. We attempted a few yoga poses (none

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