Category: Races

Fun in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor

Sometimes getting off the beaten path  and exploring an area’s lesser known attractions and “living like the locals” is the preferred way to travel. However the path is beaten for a reason and that was reinforced for me this weekend during a stay in Baltimore’s inner harbor. A group of friends and I headed down to

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Five Cheap & Easy Ways to Stay in Shape This Fall

I’ve officially gotten to the point where I can’t eat and drink whatever I want without consequences. I was blessed with a pretty legit metabolism when I was younger, I pushed its limits in college, that’s for sure, but sometime around 25 it up and quit on me. I’ve since had to watch (moderately) what I

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Tough Mudder

I completed a Tough Mudder yesterday (so I initially wrote this two weekends ago.  It needed a bit of editing).  I’m writing this from my bed.  My limbs are jelly, I feel like I’ve done a day’s worth of situps I have a strange burning sensation in my forearms I’ve  never experienced before.  However, I feel

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Run for Your Lives

No offense to year-long residents of Darlington Maryland, but your town has an innate creepiness about it that proves the perfect place to hold a zombie mud run.     It didn’t take that much imagination for me to picture Darlington as the epicenter of a zombie apocolypes. We drove into Darlington early Saturday morning for the Run

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Run For Your Life and Other PA Zombie Runs

As far as races go, the trend thats been dominating the past couple of years is mud-runs.  It seems that every few weeks somebody I know on Facebook pops up with pictures from a Spartan Race or Tough Mudder.  Even my mother has been in one.   My buddy and I just signed up for a Tough Mudder in

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