Tag: Allentown

Finally Checking Out the Lehigh Valley Ale Trail

  A couple years ago, I wrote about the Lehigh Valley Ale Trail, a now defunct website (my blog post is still very much intact) promoting the robust (I’m currently re-watching Season 1 of  Veep, and if you watch, my use of robust will make more sense to you) craft beer scene down in the Lehigh

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Attempting, and Failing, to Remain Apolitical at the Sporting Clays Course, and on This Blog

I wrote a little while back about how I was vaguely apprehensive about going clay shooting for my buddy’s bachelor party.  When I wrote that, I didn’t mean it as a political statement in any way.  Guns simply make me uneasy.  I wasn’t raised with guns, and up until a couple years ago, never shot,

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Some of My Favorite Pennsylvania-centric Songs

I was listening to the 2000’s Pandora station the other day (sidenote: does it make anyone else feel old that there is a 2000’s Pandora?) which was fun because all these songs I completely forgot existed came on, including Phantom Planet’s “California”, which brought me back to junior-senior year of high school when coincidentally the

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Weekend Trip Idea: Lehigh Valley Ale Trail

I think “Allentown” is probably my favorite Pennsylvania-centric anthem. And by favorite, I mean I really love the song and am jealous that it’s not about Scranton or NEPA because I want a song about where I grew up and it just fits so well. All the factories closed down in NEPA years ago. The restlessness mentioned

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Tough Mudder

I completed a Tough Mudder yesterday (so I initially wrote this two weekends ago.  It needed a bit of editing).  I’m writing this from my bed.  My limbs are jelly, I feel like I’ve done a day’s worth of situps I have a strange burning sensation in my forearms I’ve  never experienced before.  However, I feel

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