Tag: Lehigh Valley

Finally Checking Out the Lehigh Valley Ale Trail

  A couple years ago, I wrote about the Lehigh Valley Ale Trail, a now defunct website (my blog post is still very much intact) promoting the robust (I’m currently re-watching Season 1 of  Veep, and if you watch, my use of robust will make more sense to you) craft beer scene down in the Lehigh

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Attempting, and Failing, to Remain Apolitical at the Sporting Clays Course, and on This Blog

I wrote a little while back about how I was vaguely apprehensive about going clay shooting for my buddy’s bachelor party.  When I wrote that, I didn’t mean it as a political statement in any way.  Guns simply make me uneasy.  I wasn’t raised with guns, and up until a couple years ago, never shot,

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A Small Taste of Bethlehem

It took great restraint to not title this post, “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem,” and I’m proud of myself for showing that restraint. So, this past weekend, I spent just a little bit of time in Bethlehem, PA, which, if you aren’t familiar, is located in the Lehigh Valley just off both 22, and 78,

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10 Places To VIsit in Pennsylvania that Aren’t Pittsburgh and Philadelphia

The other day, while perusing a whole lot of travel blogs and websites to come up with post ideas, I noticed (or I should say, re-noticed) that when Pennsylvania in concerned, the large majority of writers break up the state into three parts: Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and “The Amish.”  Now, I’m not hear to disagree with

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Weekend Trip Idea: Lehigh Valley Ale Trail

I think “Allentown” is probably my favorite Pennsylvania-centric anthem. And by favorite, I mean I really love the song and am jealous that it’s not about Scranton or NEPA because I want a song about where I grew up and it just fits so well. All the factories closed down in NEPA years ago. The restlessness mentioned

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