Category: Writing

In Defense of Candy Corn

I never realized how many foods I loved were deeply despised. Some, I should have seen coming, like my habit of eating grape jelly atop of scrambled eggs, which rightfully horrified my college friends when I pulled that stunt in the cafeteria at breakfast. I meanwhile, was ready to recoil in horror when they put

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New Year’s Resolutions 2014 Part 2

Picking up where we left here: 11) Five DIFFERENT Water Cooler Activities- “Water Cooler News” is defined as the sort of news or gossip that gets people talking socially at work because it’s interesting. Thusly, I’ve termed the term “water cooler activities” as the types of activities I do and post about that get people talking

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New Year’s Resolutions 2014 Part 1

So, 2014 has officially been upon us for coming up two weeks now, which means that its time for my list of travel/weekend fun resolutions for this upcoming year. Every year I wish I could publish this on New Year’s Day but it always takes me until almost mid-January to get it out.  I wish I

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