Category: NEPA

Airboarding at Montage

Sometimes I like being sore. Not like, so-painful-you-can’t-function-properly sore, but that sort of good sore you sometimes wake up with the day after physically exerting yourself more than usual. I like the good sore that comes with big day hikes and lengthy cross-country skies, or that I’m-sore-in-places-I-didn’t-know-I-could-be-sore-in feeling that comes after trying something new like

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On Not Having to Repeat the Past

Last week I wrote about a negative story about revisiting the past. It was about looking back on something that I wasn’t fond of, but ultimately though might’ve made me a better person. Today I’m also going to write about revisiting the past again, but about revisiting a happy time. I’m going to be writing

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I Feel Home

I try to remain as apolitical as possible here on my blog, but it was hard to remain apolitical during the election, and becoming increasingly hard now, just in life, where it seems every choice or conversation can trigger some sort of debate, or side drawn. I in no way, shape, or form supported, or

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Susquehanna Brewing Company Tour

One of my favorite things to write about on here, is visiting different breweries around Pennsylvania and sampling what they have to offer (so maybe I like the sampling just a little bit better then the visiting), and there’s no shortage of breweries in PA to visit. In fact, there’s no shortage of breweries to

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10 Places To VIsit in Pennsylvania that Aren’t Pittsburgh and Philadelphia

The other day, while perusing a whole lot of travel blogs and websites to come up with post ideas, I noticed (or I should say, re-noticed) that when Pennsylvania in concerned, the large majority of writers break up the state into three parts: Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and “The Amish.”  Now, I’m not hear to disagree with

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NEPA Party Bike

Three years ago my brother introduced me to Jerrod Nieman’s “One More Drinking Song” and I quickly became obsessed. A few weeks later I saw the music video and became newly obsessed with the bike-like contraption he’s singing on around downtown Nashville. I found that it’s a vehicle known as a pedicycle (also known/marketed as pedal

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5 Fall Activites to do in NEPA

  I realize I’ve been sort of heavy on the NEPA-centric posts lately, but I’m here now, and for the time being haven’t been traveling as much as I’d like. I do have a fun new project in the works that I’m excited to announce once it’s ready (although to be fair, this is a

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Just a Few of the Reasons I’m Excited to be Back in NEPA

My last two posts were basically an extended lament about leaving Lancaster and returning to the NEPA motherland. I hope you didn’t get the wrong idea. While I am genuinely sad about leaving Lancaster, I’m not necessarily upset to be returning home. Sure, Lancaster has a lot of things Northeastern PA doesn’t. For one thing,

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A Culinary Tour of NEPA

Whenever the topic of “Pennsylvania food” comes up you hear about cheesesteaks, Philly “wudder” ice, soft pretzels, Pennsylvania Dutch scrapple and whoopie pies, Lebanon bologna, and Pittsburgh’s Primanti Brothers French fry topped sandwiches (although as an aside: my brother who lives in Pittsburgh, speaks very low of this establishment). That’s all well and good and I’m not going

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Weekend Trip Idea: A Makeshift NEPA Ale Trail

If you’re into beer (which, I am) then Pennsylvania is as good a place to be right now Not only is our lovely state home to the oldest operating brewing company in the United States (Yuengling has been churning out beer since 1829), but now that craft beer and localized breweries are officially a thing, Pennsylvania is now

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