Category: Picnics

The Dying NEPA Picnic Scene

Growing up in NEPA,  summertime always meant picnic season. If you want to know the ins and outs of what exactly it is and what picnics are still occurring check out my post from last summer, but in the meantime, here’s the abridged version: NEPA has a long history of volunteer fire departments and various (mostly) Catholic

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Pennsylvania Oktoberfests

I keep getting the same reaction when I tell people I went to an Oktoberfest this weekend: “that’s weird, it’s only September.” Only, it’s not weird.  It’s reality. The original German Ocktoberfest is mostly in September.  Started in 1810, it’s a sixteen day festival that ends the first Sunday in October.  With 5 million visitors annually, it’s

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Tussey Mountain OR Why I Can’t Attend Brewfests

Last weekend, after recovering from my jet lag for two days, I set sail for State College (Bellefonte to be more precise) to attend the State College Brewing Expo.  My buddy who goes to grad school at Penn State invited a few of our high school friends to attend.  I always have fun with this group,

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“What do you like better, Christmas or Wedding Season?”  “The answer would be, um, Picnic Season?” Picnic season in NEPA is a big deal.  It’s a dying deal, but still a big deal nonetheless, and something that, to me, defines summertime and growing up. Every summer, for as long as I can remember, weekends were dominated

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